Alex Seeley was born and raised in Australia and spent seventeen years pastoring there. It is also where she met and married her husband, Henry. After relocating to Nashville in 2012, they founded The Belonging Co, a church where they minister together to thousands of people each week.
She is a passionate teacher of the Word with the unique ability to reveal how the Word of God is applicable to our everyday lives. Alex shares openly about how the power of God has proven real in her own life. Known for her boldness and tenacity, you’ll love the way Jesus shines through her.
We love to start off our interviews with a little question, tell us one fun fact about yourself?
One fun fact about me is that I make up the lyrics to songs on the radio all the time with full confidence that I am right and my family always correct me, saying “they’re not the words to the song as they roll their eyes at me.
What is true identity?
My true identity is as a daughter of my Father in Heaven. I found my true identity when I discovered who created me and designed me in my Mother’s womb (Psalm 139: 13-17). True identity is found in our Heavenly Father because we were made in the image of God to bear His likeness. When I stopped looking at everyone else and began to read the word of God, I discovered who I truly was.
As young women, we often compare ourselves to others and base our identity on what others think…how can we break free from this?
There is always going to be someone you think is prettier, smarter, or more talented than you, and that can be overwhelming at times but when we compare ourselves to other people. However, I had a revelation that no one has your fingerprint and that God made each of us unique on purpose.
Therefore, you need to understand that there is no one else in the world like you and that we need to embrace how God made us and be grateful for who we are and discover what makes us unique so that we can all be a blessing in this world we live in.
In your book TAILOR MADE you write about discovering who God created us to be and finding purpose, as young women how do we find our purpose?
According to the Psalm I mentioned above, God has written every detail of our life in His book before we were even born. Therefore He is the one who created us to be here on purpose. The way I discovered my purpose is that when I gave my life to Jesus and discovered who I was in Christ, I also discovered that He gave me certain gifts to use to help others, and when I would activate those gifts, I felt like I came alive and I would often say when I help people, it feels like this is what I was born to do. So look at the things you are naturally good at and the things in life that bring you joy and develop those gifts in your life,
because one thing will lead to another and your purpose will be revealed as you follow God and obey His voice.
What is your advice to the young women who are living under the burden of a false identity, or constantly being labelled?
STOP listening to what others say about you and start reading about how God made you and what makes you special. For years I lived under certain labels that screamed louder than who God said I was and I lived with insecurity and fear to be myself. It wasn’t until I discovered my relationship with Jesus and as I grew in my understanding of the word of God and began believing who He said I was, it was only then I began to shed the labels that were not true and replace them with the truth of who I was and made no apology to anyone for being who God created me to be.
What bible verses do you turn to when you are doubting yourself, doubting the calling god has for you?
When I was younger, I would quote Psalm 139:13-17 to myself and also Philippians 4:13 “I Can all things through Christ who gives me strength” Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Do you have any life advice would you give to our younger readers?
The best advice I can give to you all is to be sure you develop a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus and get to know the Holy Spirit as your best friend because when you know Jesus, you will discover the real you.
Always remember that people’s opinions should never define who you are.
Love yourself and be confident that God made you on purpose to make the world a better place.
Don’t be do concerned about your future because those who put their trust in God will never be forsaken and He will order your steps throughout your life.
Thank you Alex